English: Flower of a red chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum × morifolium) with dew drops in a garden in Bamberg in Upper Franconia. Focus stack of 32 frames.
Deutsch: Blüte einer roten Chrysantheme mit Tautropfen in einem Garten in Bamberg in Oberfranken. Focusstapel aus 32 Bildern.
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NOTE: This image is a focus stacked image consisting of multiple images that were merged using software. As a result, this image underwent digital manipulation which may have included blending, blurring, cloning, and colour and perspective adjustments. As a result of these adjustments, the image content may be slightly different than reality at the points where the images were combined. This manipulation is often required due to lens, perspective, and parallax distortions.
Português: Flor de um crisântemo vermelho (Chrysanthemum x morifolium) com gotas de orvalho em um jardim da Alta Francônia, Alemanha. Fotografia com a técnica de empilhamento de foco (focus stacking) combinando 32 exposições
Македонски: Црвена хризантема во Горна Франконија, Германија.
한국어: 오버프랑켄현 소재 정원의 붉은 국화 꽃에 이슬이 맺혀 있다. 32장의 포커스 스택(촛점 합성).
gasan babagi – gasan manyalin, mauarakan wan mamindahakan karya ngini
gasan manggubah – gasan mangadaptasi karya ngini
Bapandal katantuan nangini:
atribusi – Pian musti mancantumakan pangakuan nang rasuk, mambariakan tautan ka lisénsi, wan mamadahi amun ada paubahan. Pian kawa manggawinya sakahandak Pian, tagal kada maiihakan kalu pambari lisénsi mandukung Pian atawa pamakaian Pian.
BabagiSarupa – Amun Pian manggubah, maubah, atawa maulah turunan matan matéri ngini, Pian harus manyabarluasakan sumbangan Pian di bawah lisénsi nang sama lawan matéri asli.
Barakas ngini baisi habar tambahan nang pinanya ditambahakan ulih kodakan digital atawa pamindai nang dipakai gasan maulah atawa mandigitalisasi barakas. Amun barakas ngini sudah taubah, rincian nang ada bisa kada samunyaan sasuai lawan habar nang ada matan gambar nang hudah diubah ngini.