Modul:Citation/CS1/Configuration: Pabidaan ralatan

Konten dihapus Konten ditambahkan
Kadada kasimpulan babakan
Rachmat04 (pandir | sumbangan)
sKadada kasimpulan babakan
Baris 1:
local citation_config = {};
-- override <code>...</code> styling to remove color, border, and padding. <code> css is specified here:
local code_style="color:inherit; border:inherit; padding:inherit;";
--[[--------------------------< U N C A T E G O R I Z E D _ N A M E S P A C E S >------------------------------
Baris 23 ⟶ 29:
local messages = {
['archived-dead'] = 'ArchivedDiarsipkan fromdari $1 ontanggal $2',
['archived-not-dead'] = '$1 fromdari theversi originalasli ontanggal $2',
['archived-missing'] = 'ArchivedDiarsipkan fromdari theversi asli original$1 ontanggal $2',
['archived'] = 'ArchivedDiarsipkan',
['by'] = 'Byoleh', -- contributions to authored works: introduction, foreword, afterword
['cartography'] = 'CartographyKartografi byoleh $1',
['editor'] = 'ed.',
['editors'] = 'edsed.',
['edition'] = '(edisi ke-$1 ed.)',
['episode'] = 'Episode ke-$1',
['et al'] = 'et al.',
['in'] = 'InDalam', -- edited works
['inactive'] = 'inactivetidak aktif',
['inset'] = '$1 inset',
['interview'] = 'InterviewedWawancara bydengan $1',
['lay summary'] = 'Lay summaryRingkasan',
['newsgroup'] = '[[Usenet newsgroup|Newsgroup]]:&nbsp;$1',
['original'] = 'theversi originalasli',
['published'] = ' (publisheddipublikasikan tanggal $1)',
['retrieved'] = 'RetrievedDiakses tanggal $1',
['season'] = 'SeasonMusim ke-$1',
['section'] = '§ $1',
['sections'] = '§§ $1',
['series'] = 'SeriesSeri ke-$1',
['translated'] = 'TranslatedDiterjemahkan byoleh $1',
['type'] = ' ($1)', -- for titletype
['written'] = 'WrittenDitulis atdi $1',
['vol'] = '$1 Vol.&nbsp;$2', -- $1 is sepc; bold journal style volume is in presentation{}
Baris 60 ⟶ 66:
['nopp'] = '$1 $2'; -- page(s) without prefix; $1 is sepc
['p-prefix'] = "$1 phlm.&nbsp;$2", -- $1 is sepc
['pp-prefix'] = "$1 pphlm.&nbsp;$2", -- $1 is sepc
['j-page(s)'] = ': $1', -- same for page and pages
Baris 69 ⟶ 75:
['j-sheets'] = ': Sheets&nbsp;$1',
['subscription'] = '<span classstyle="cs1font-subscriptionsize:90%; color:#555">(Subscription(Perlu requiredberlangganan (<span title="TheSitus siteini requiresmembutuhkan alangganan paidberbayar subscriptionuntuk tomengakses accesshalaman this pageini." style="border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help">help</span>))</span>' ..
'[[Kategori:Halaman yang mengandung pranala ke konten yang hanya dapat diakses dengan berlangganan]]',
'[[Category:Pages containing links to subscription-only content]]',
['registration']='<span classstyle="cs1font-registrationsize:90%; color:#555">(RegistrationPerlu requiredmendaftar (<span title="TheSitus siteini requiresmemerlukan registrationpendaftaran tountuk accessmengakses thishalaman pageini." style="border-bottom:1px dotted;cursor:help">help</span>))</span>' ..
'[[Kategori:Halaman dengan rujukan atau sumber yang hanya dapat diakses dengan masuk log]]',
'[[Category:Pages with login required references or sources]]',
['language'] = '(indalam bahasa $1)',
['via'] = " &ndash; via $1",
['event'] = 'EventBerlangsung occurs atpada',
['minutes'] = 'minutesmenit inberlalu', --konteksnya?
['parameter-separator'] = ', ',
['parameter-final-separator'] = ', anddan ',
['parameter-pair-separator'] = ' anddan ',
-- Determines the location of the help page
['help page link'] = 'HelpBantuan:CS1Galat errorsCS1',
['help page label'] = 'helpbantuan',
-- Internal errors (should only occur if configuration is bad)
Baris 94 ⟶ 100:
['unknown_argument_map'] = 'Argument map not defined for this variable',
['bare_url_no_origin'] = 'Bare url found but origin indicator is nil or empty',
--[[--------------------------< E T _ A L _ P A T T E R N S >--------------------------------------------------
This table provides Lua patterns for the phrase "et al" and variants in name text
(author, editor, etc.). The main module uses these to identify and emit the 'etal' message.
local et_al_patterns = {
"[;,]? *[\"']*%f[%a][Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll][%.\"']*$", -- variations on the 'et al' theme
"[;,]? *[\"']*%f[%a][Ee][Tt]%.? *[Aa][Ll][Ii][Aa][%.\"']*$", -- variations on the 'et alia' theme
"[;,]? *%f[%a]and [Oo]thers", -- and alternate to et al.
--[[--------------------------< E D I T O R _ M A R K U P _ P A T T E R N S >----------------------------------
This table provides Lua patterns for the phrase "ed" and variants in name text
(author, editor, etc.). The main module uses these to identify and emit the
'extra_text_names' message. (It is not the only series of patterns for this message.)
local editor_markup_patterns = { -- these patterns match annotations at end of name
'%f[%(%[][%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]?$', -- (ed) or (eds): leading '(', case insensitive 'ed', optional 's', '.' and/or ')'
'[,%.%s]%f[e]eds?%.?$', -- ed or eds: without '('or ')'; case sensitive (ED could be initials Ed could be name)
'%f[%(%[][%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]?$', -- (editor) or (editors): leading '(', case insensitive, optional '.' and/or ')'
'[,%.%s]%f[Ee][Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%.?$', -- editor or editors: without '('or ')'; case insensitive
-- these patterns match annotations at beginning of name
'^eds?[%.,;]', -- ed. or eds.: lower case only, optional 's', requires '.'
'^[%(%[]%s*[Ee][Dd][Ss]?%.?%s*[%)%]]', -- (ed) or (eds): also sqare brackets, case insensitive, optional 's', '.'
'^[%(%[]?%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Oo][Rr][Ss]?%A', -- (editor or (editors: also sq brackets, case insensitive, optional brackets, 's'
'^[%(%[]?%s*[Ee][Dd][Ii][Tt][Ee][Dd]%A', -- (edited: also sq brackets, case insensitive, optional brackets
Baris 144 ⟶ 115:
-- .error class is specified at
-- .citation-comment class is specified at Help:CS1_errors#Controlling_error_message_display
['hidden-error'] = '<span classstyle="cs1display:none;font-hidden-errorsize:100%" class="error citation-comment">$1</span>',
['visible-error'] = '<span classstyle="cs1font-visible-errorsize:100%" class="error citation-comment">$1</span>',
['hidden-maint'] = '<span class="cs1-maint citation-comment">$1</span>',
['accessdate'] = '<span class="reference-accessdate">$1$2</span>', -- to allow editors to hide accessdate using personal css
Baris 155 ⟶ 125:
['cite-id'] = '<cite id="$1" class="$2">$3</cite>'; -- for use when |ref= is set
['format'] = ' <span classstyle="cs1font-formatsize:85%;">($1)</span>', -- for |format=, |chapter-format=, etc
-- various access levels, for |access=, |doi-access=, |arxiv=, ...
-- narrow no-break space &#8239; may work better than nowrap css. Or not? browser support?
['ext-link-access-signal'] = '<span class="plainlinks">$1" title="&#8239;$2">$3</span>', -- external link with appropriate lock icon
['free'] = '[[File:Lock-green.svg|9px|link=|alt=alt=Dapat diakses gratis|Dapat diakses gratis]]',
['free'] = {class='cs1-lock-free', title='Freely accessible'}, -- classes defined in Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css
['registration'] = {class='cs1[[File:Lock-lockblue-registration', titlealt-2.svg|9px|link='Free|alt=Perlu mendaftar (gratis)|Perlu registrationmendaftar required(gratis)]]'},
['limited'] = '[[File:Lock-blue-alt-2.svg|9px|link=|alt=Akses gratis dibatasi (uji coba), biasanya perlu berlangganan|Akses gratis dibatasi (uji coba), biasanya perlu berlangganan]]',
['limited'] = {class='cs1-lock-limited', title='Free access subject to limited trial, subscription normally required'},
['subscription'] = {class='cs1[[File:Lock-lockred-subscription',L.svg|9px|link=|alt=Perlu title='Paidlangganan berbayar|Perlu subscriptionlangganan requiredberbayar]]'},
['interwiki-icon'] = '<span class="$1" title="$2">$3</span>',
['class-wikisource'] = 'cs1-ws-icon',
['italic-title'] = "''$1''",
['kern-left'] = '<span classstyle="cs1-kernpadding-left:0.2em;">$1</span>$2', -- spacing to use when title contains leading single or double quote mark
['kern-right'] = '$1<span classstyle="cs1-kernpadding-right:0.2em;">$2</span>', -- spacing to use when title contains trailing single or double quote mark
-- these for simple wikilinked titles [["text]], [[text"]] and [["text"]]
-- span wraps entire wikilink
['kern-wl-left'] = '<span classstyle="cs1-kern-wlpadding-left:0.2em;">$1</span>', -- when title contains leading single or double quote mark
['kern-wl-right'] = '<span classstyle="cs1padding-kern-wl-leftright:0.2em;">$1</span>', -- when title contains trailing single or double quote mark
['kern-wl-both'] = '<span classstyle="cs1-kern-wlpadding-left cs1-kern-wl:0.2em;padding-right:0.2em;">$1</span>', -- when title contains leading and trailing single or double quote marks
['nowrap1'] = '<span class="nowrap">$1</span>', -- for nowrapping an item: <span ...>yyyy-mm-dd</span>
['nowrap2'] = '<span class="nowrap">$1</span> $2', -- for nowrapping portions of an item: <span ...>dd mmmm</span> yyyy (note white space)
['ocins'] = '<span title="$1" class="Z3988"><span style="display:none;">&nbsp;</span></span>', -- Note: Using display: none on the COinS span breaks some clients
['parameter'] = '<code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code>',
['ps_cs1'] = '.'; -- cs1 style postscript (terminal) character
['ps_cs2'] = ''; -- cs2 style postscript (terminal) character (empty string)
Baris 221 ⟶ 188:
['ASINTLD'] = {'ASIN-TLD', 'asin-tld'},
['At'] = 'at',
['Authors'] = {'authors', 'people', 'host', 'credits'},
['BookTitle'] = {'book-title', 'booktitle'},
['Cartography'] = 'cartography',
Baris 239 ⟶ 206:
['DF'] = 'df',
['DisplayAuthors'] = {'display-authors', 'displayauthors'},
['DisplayContributors'] = 'display-contributors',
['DisplayEditors'] = {'display-editors', 'displayeditors'},
['DisplayInterviewers'] = 'display-interviewers',
['DisplayTranslators'] = 'display-translators',
['Docket'] = 'docket',
['DoiBroken'] = {'doi-broken', 'doi-broken-date', 'doi-inactive-date'},
Baris 255 ⟶ 219:
['Inset'] = 'inset',
['Issue'] = {'issue', 'number'},
['LanguageInterviewers'] = {'languageinterviewers', 'lang'},
['Language'] = {'language', 'in', 'lang'},
['LastAuthorAmp'] = {'last-author-amp', 'lastauthoramp'},
['LayDate'] = {'lay-date', 'laydate'},
Baris 323 ⟶ 288:
['AuthorList-First'] = {"first#", "given#", "author-first#", "author#-first"},
['AuthorList-Last'] = {"last#", "author#", "surname#", "author-last#", "author#-last", "subject#", 'host#'},
['AuthorList-Link'] = {"authorlink#", "author-link#", "author#-link", "subjectlink#", "author#link", "subject-link#", "subject#-link", "subject#link"},
['AuthorList-Mask'] = {"author-mask#", "authormask#", "author#mask", "author#-mask"},
Baris 358 ⟶ 323:
local special_case_translation = {
['AuthorList'] = '"authors list'", -- these for multiple names maint categories
['ContributorList'] = '"contributors list'",
['EditorList'] = '"editors list'",
['InterviewerList'] = '"interviewers list'",
['TranslatorList'] = '"translators list'",
['authors'] = '"authors'", -- used in get_display_namesget_display_authors_editors()
['contributorseditors'] = 'contributors'"editors",
['editors'] = 'editors',
['interviewers'] = 'interviewers',
['translators'] = 'translators',
['archived_copy'] = '^archived?%s+copy$', -- lua pattern to match pseudo title used by Internet Archive bot and others as place holder for unknown |title= value
-- used with CS1 maint: Archived copy as title
Baris 407 ⟶ 366:
local date_names = {
['en'] = { -- English
['long'] = {['January']=1, ['February']=2, ['March']=3, ['April']=4, ['May']=5, ['June']=6, ['July']=7, ['August']=8, ['September']=9, ['October']=10, ['November']=11, ['December']=12},;
['short'] = {['Jan']=1, ['Feb']=2, ['Mar']=3, ['Apr']=4, ['May']=5, ['Jun']=6, ['Jul']=7, ['Aug']=8, ['Sep']=9, ['Oct']=10, ['Nov']=11, ['Dec']=12},;
['season'] = {['Winter']=24, ['Spring']=21, ['Summer']=22, ['Fall']=23, ['Autumn']=23},;
['named'] = {['Christmas']=99},;
['local'] = { -- replace these English date names with the local language equivalents
['long'] = {['JanuaryJanuari']=1, ['FebruaryFebruari']=2, ['MarchMaret']=3, ['April']=4, ['MayMei']=5, ['JuneJuni']=6, ['JulyJuli']=7, ['AugustAgustus']=8, ['September']=9, ['OctoberOktober']=10, ['November']=11, ['DecemberDesember']=12},;
['short'] = {['Jan']=1, ['Feb']=2, ['Mar']=3, ['Apr']=4, ['MayMei']=5, ['Jun']=6, ['Jul']=7, ['AugAgu']=8, ['Sep']=9, ['OctOkt']=10, ['Nov']=11, ['DecDes']=12},;
['season'] = {['WinterMusim dingin']=24, ['SpringMusim semi']=21, ['SummerMusim panas']=22, ['Fall']=23,Musim ['Autumngugur']=23},;
['named'] = {['ChristmasNatal']=99},;
['local_digits'] = {['0'] = '0', ['1'] = '1', ['2'] = '2', ['3'] = '3', ['4'] = '4', ['5'] = '5', ['6'] = '6', ['7'] = '7', ['8'] = '8', ['9'] = '9'}; -- used to convert local language digits to Western 0-9
['inv_local_l'] = {}, -- used in date reformatting; copy of date_names['local'].long where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc
['xlate_digits'] = {};
['inv_local_s'] = {}, -- used in date reformatting; copy of date_names['local'].short where k/v are inverted: [1]='<local name>' etc
['local_digits'] = {['0'] = '0', ['1'] = '1', ['2'] = '2', ['3'] = '3', ['4'] = '4', ['5'] = '5', ['6'] = '6', ['7'] = '7', ['8'] = '8', ['9'] = '9'}, -- used to convert local language digits to Western 0-9
['xlate_digits'] = {},
for name, i in pairs (date_names['local'].long) do -- this table is ['name'] = i
date_names['inv_local_l'][i] = name; -- invert to get [i] = 'name' for conversions from ymd
for name, i in pairs (date_names['local'].short) do -- this table is ['name'] = i
date_names['inv_local_s'][i] = name; -- invert to get [i] = 'name' for conversions from ymd
for ld, ed in pairs (date_names.local_digits) do -- make a digit translation table for simple date translation from en to local language using local_digits table
date_names.xlate_digits [ed] = ld; -- en digit becomes index with local digit as the value
local df_template_patterns = { -- table of redirects to {{Use dmy dates}} and {{Use mdy dates}}
'{{ *[Uu]se (dmy) dates *[|}]', -- 915k -- sorted by approximate transclusion count
'{{ *[Uu]se *(mdy) *dates *[|}]', -- 161k
'{{ *[Uu]se (DMY) dates *[|}]', -- 2929
'{{ *[Uu]se *(dmy) *[|}]', -- 250 + 34
'{{ *([Dd]my) *[|}]', -- 272
'{{ *[Uu]se (MDY) dates *[|}]', -- 173
'{{ *[Uu]se *(mdy) *[|}]', -- 59 + 12
'{{ *([Mm]dy) *[|}]', -- 9
'{{ *[Uu]se (MDY) *[|}]', -- 3
'{{ *([Dd]MY) *[|}]', -- 2
'{{ *([Mm]DY) *[|}]', -- 0
-- '{{ *[Uu]se(mdy) *[|}]',
-- '{{ *[Uu]se(mdy)dates *[|}]',
-- '{{ *[Uu]se(dmy) *[|}]',
local function get_date_format ()
local content = mw.title.getCurrentTitle():getContent() or ''; -- get the content of the article
for _, pattern in ipairs (df_template_patterns) do -- loop through the patterns looking for {{Use dmy dates}} or {{Use mdy dates}} or any of their redirects
local start, _, match = content:find(pattern); -- match is the three letters indicating desired date format
if match then
content = content:match ('%b{}', start); -- get the whole template
if content:match ('| *cs1%-dates *= *[lsy][sy]?') then -- look for |cs1-dates=publication date length access-/archive-date length
return match:lower() .. '-' .. content:match ('| *cs1%-dates *= *([lsy][sy]?)');
return match:lower() .. '-all'; -- no |cs1-style= k/v pair; return value appropriate for use in |df=
local global_df = get_date_format ();
Baris 497 ⟶ 413:
['contribution'] = {'afterword', 'foreword', 'introduction', 'preface'}, -- generic contribution titles that are rendered unquoted in the 'chapter' position
['date-format'] = {'dmy', 'dmy-all', 'mdy', 'mdy-all', 'ymd', 'ymd-all'},
-- ['date-format'] = {'dmy', 'dmy-all', 'mdy', 'mdy-all', 'ymd', 'ymd-all', 'yMd', 'yMd-all'}, -- not supported at
['url-access'] = {'subscription', 'limited', 'registration'}, -- access level of a URL (subscription required, limited access, free registration required), free to read by default
['id-access'] = {'free'}, -- access level of an identifier (free to read), subscription required (or no full text) by default
Baris 522 ⟶ 437:
table data in an arbitrary order. Here, we want to process the table from top to bottom because the entries at
the top of the table are also found in the ranges specified by the entries at the bottom of the table.
This list contains patterns for templates like {{'}} which isn't an error but transcludes characters that are
invisible. These kinds of patterns must be recognized by the functions that use this list.
Also here is a pattern that recognizes stripmarkers that begin and end with the delete characters. The nowiki
Baris 548 ⟶ 466:
-- Indic script makes use of zero width joiner as a character modifier so zwj characters must be left in. This
-- pattern covers all of the unicode characters for these languages:
-- Devanagari 0900–097F –
-- Devanagari extended A8E0–A8FF –
-- Bengali 0980–09FF –
-- Gurmukhi 0A00–0A7F –
-- Gujarati 0A80–0AFF –
-- Oriya 0B00–0B7F –
-- Tamil 0B80–0BFF –
-- Telugu 0C00–0C7F –
-- Kannada 0C80–0CFF –
-- Malayalam 0D00–0D7F –
-- plus the not-necessarily Indic scripts for Sinhala and Burmese:
-- Sinhala 0D80-0DFF -
-- Myanmar 1000-109F -
-- Myanmar extended A AA60-AA7F -
-- Myanmar extended B A9E0-A9FF -
-- the pattern is used by has_invisible_chars() and coins_cleanup()
-- TODO: find a better place for this?
local indic_script = '[\224\164\128-\224\181\191\224\163\160-\224\183\191\225\128\128-\225\130\159\234\167\160-\234\167\191\234\169\160-\234\169\191]';
Baris 580 ⟶ 497:
local script_lang_codes = {
'am', 'ar', 'be', 'bg', 'bn', 'bs', 'dv', 'el', 'fa', 'gu', -- ISO 639-1 codes only for |script-title= and |script-chapter=
'hegu', 'hihe', 'hy', 'ja', 'ka', 'kk', 'km', 'kn', 'ko', 'ku',
'mk', 'ml', 'mn', 'mr', 'my', 'ne', 'ps', 'ru', 'sd', 'si',
'sr', 'ta', 'tg', 'th', 'uk', 'ug', 'ur', 'uz', 'yi', 'zh'
Baris 594 ⟶ 511:
local lang_code_remap = { -- used for |language= and |script-title= / |script-chapter=
['als'] = 'Tosk Albanian', -- MediaWiki returns Alemannisch
['bh'] = 'Bihari', -- MediaWiki uses 'bh' as a subdomain name for Bhojpuri wWikipedia:
['bn'] = 'Bengali', -- MediaWiki returns Bangla
['ca-valenciacnr'] = 'ValencianMontenegrin', -- IETF'new' 639 code that MediaWiki does variantnot ofyet Catalanunderstand
['crh'] = 'Crimean Tatar', -- synonymous with Crimean Turkish (return value from {{#language:crh|en}})
local lang_name_remap = { -- used for |language=
['alemannisch'] = {'Swiss German', 'gsw'}, -- not an ISO or IANA language name; MediaWiki uses 'als' as a subdomain name for Alemannic Wikipedia:
['bangla'] = {'Bengali', 'bn'}, -- MediaWiki returns Bangla (the endonym) but we want Bengali (the exonym); here we remap
['bengali'] = {'Bengali', 'bn'}, -- MediaWiki doesn't use exonym so here we provide correct language name and 639-1 code
['bihari'] = {'Bihari', 'bh'}, -- MediaWiki replaces 'Bihari' with 'Bhojpuri' so 'Bihari' cannot be found
['bhojpuri'] = {'Bhojpuri', 'bho'}, -- MediaWiki uses 'bh' as a subdomain name for Bhojpuri WikipediawWikipedia:
['crimean tatarmontenegrin'] = {'Crimean TatarMontenegrin', 'crhcnr'}, -- MediaWiki uses 'crhnew' as639 acode subdomainthat name forMediaWiki Crimeandoes Tatarnot Wikipedia:yet crh.wikipedia.orgunderstand
['tosk albanian'] = {'Tosk Albanian', 'als'}, -- MediaWiki replaces 'Tosk Albanian' with 'Alemannisch' so 'Tosk Albanian' cannot be found
['valencian'] = {'Valencian', 'ca'}, -- variant of Catalan; categorizes as Catalan
--[[--------------------------< M A I N T E N A N C E _ C A T E G O R I E S >----------------------------------
Baris 620 ⟶ 531:
local maint_cats = {
['ASIN'] = 'CS1Pemeliharaan maintCS1: ASIN usesmenggunakan ISBN',
['archived_copyauthors'] = 'Pemeliharaan CS1 maint: Archived copyMenggunakan asparameter titlepenulis',
['authorsbot:_unknown'] = 'Pemeliharaan CS1: maintBOT: Usesstatus url asli authorstidak parameterdiketahui',
['bot:_unknowndate_format'] = 'Pemeliharaan CS1 maint: BOT: original-url statusFormat unknowntanggal',
['date_formatdate_year'] = 'CS1Pemeliharaan maintCS1: DateTanggal dan formattahun',
['disp_auth_ed'] = 'Pemeliharaan CS1: Tampilkan $1', -- $1 is authors or editors; gets value from special_case_translation table
['date_year'] = 'CS1 maint: Date and year',
['editors'] = 'Pemeliharaan CS1: Menggunakan parameter penyunting',
['disp_name'] = 'CS1 maint: display-$1', -- $1 is authors, contributors, editors, interviewers, translators; gets value from special_case_translation table
['editorsembargo'] = 'CS1Pemeliharaan maintCS1: UsesEmbargo editorsPMC parameterkedaluwarsa',
['embargoenglish'] = 'CS1Pemeliharaan maintCS1: PMCEnglish embargolanguage expiredspecified',
['englishetal'] = 'CS1Pemeliharaan maintCS1: EnglishPenggunaan et al. languageyang specifiedeksplisit',
['extra_text'] = 'CS1Pemeliharaan maintCS1: ExtraTeks texttambahan',
['extra_text_names'] = 'CS1Pemeliharaan maintCS1: ExtraTeks texttambahan: $1', -- $1 is <name>s list; gets value from special_case_translation table
['ignore_isbn_err'] = 'CS1Pemeliharaan maintCS1: IgnoredGalat ISBN errorsyang diabaikan',
['interviewers'] = 'Pemeliharaan CS1: Menggunakan parameter pewawancara',
['mult_names'] = 'CS1 maint: Multiple names: $1', -- $1 is <name>s list; gets value from special_case_translation table
['othersmissing_pipe'] = 'CS1Pemeliharaan maintCS1: othersTanpa pipa',
['mult_names'] = 'Pemeliharaan CS1: Banyak nama: $1', -- $1 is <name>s list; gets value from special_case_translation table
['pmc_format'] = 'CS1 maint: PMC format',
['unfitpmc_format'] = 'CS1Pemeliharaan maintCS1: UnfitFormat urlPMC',
['unknown_langunfit'] = 'CS1Pemeliharaan maintCS1: UnrecognizedUrl tak languagelayak',
['untitledunknown_lang'] = 'CS1Pemeliharaan maintCS1: UntitledBahasa yang tidak periodicaldiketahui',
['untitled'] = 'Pemeliharaan CS1: Terbitan berkala tanpa judul',
Baris 649 ⟶ 561:
local prop_cats = {
['foreign_lang_source'] = 'CS1 sumber berbahasa $1-language sources ($2)', -- |language= categories; $1 is language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code
['foreign_lang_source_2'] = 'CS1 foreignsumber language sourcesberbahasa (ISO 639-2)|$1', -- |language= category; a cat for ISO639-2 languages; $1 is the ISO 639-2 code
['script'] = 'CS1 usesmenggunakan foreignskrip languagebahasa scriptasing', -- when language specified by |script-title=xx: doesn't have its own category
['script_with_name'] = 'CS1 uses $1-language script ($2)', -- |script-title=xx: has matching category; $1 is language name, $2 is ISO639-1 code
['jul_greg_uncertainty'] = 'CS1: Julian–GregorianKetidakpastian uncertaintyJulian–Gregorian', -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of template with dates 1 October 1582 – 1 January 1926
['long_vol'] = 'CS1: long volume value', -- probably temporary cat to identify scope of |volume= values longer than 4 charachters
Baris 665 ⟶ 576:
local title_types = {
['AV-media-notes'] = 'MediaCatatan notesmedia',
['interview'] = 'InterviewWawancara',
['mailinglist'] = 'Mailing listMilis',
['map'] = 'MapPeta',
['podcast'] = 'Podcast',
['pressrelease'] = 'PressSiaran releasepers',
['report'] = 'ReportLaporan',
['techreport'] = 'TechnicalLaporan reportteknis',
['thesis'] = 'ThesisTesis',
Baris 690 ⟶ 601:
local error_conditions = {
accessdate_missing_url = {
message = 'Parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;access-date=</code> requiresmembutuhkan <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;url=</code>',
anchor = 'accessdate_missing_url',
category = 'PagesHalaman usingyang citationsmenggunakan withrujukan dengan accessdate anddan notanpa URL',
hidden = falsetrue },
archive_missing_date = {
message = 'Parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;archive-url=</code> requiresmembutuhkan <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;archive-date=</code>',
anchor = 'archive_missing_date',
category = 'PagesHalaman withdengan archiveurlgalat citationrujukan errorsarchiveurl',
hidden = false },
archive_missing_url = {
message = 'Parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;archive-url=</code> requiresmembutuhkan <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;url=</code>',
anchor = 'archive_missing_url',
category = 'PagesHalaman withdengan archiveurlgalat citationrujukan errorsarchiveurl',
hidden = false },
archive_url = {
message = 'Parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;archive-url=</code> ismengalami malformedcacat: $1',
anchor = 'archive_url',
category = 'PagesHalaman withdengan archiveurlgalat citationrujukan errorsarchiveurl',
hidden = false },
arxiv_missing = {
message = 'Membutuhkan parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;arxiv=</code> required',
anchor = 'arxiv_missing',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: arXiv', -- same as bad arxiv
hidden = false },
arxiv_params_not_supported = {
message = 'UnsupportedParameter parameter(s)yang intidak citedidukung dalam merujuk arXiv',
anchor = 'arxiv_params_not_supported',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: arXiv', -- same as bad arxiv
hidden = false },
bad_arxiv = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;arxiv=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_arxiv',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: arXiv',
hidden = falsetrue },
bad_asin = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;asin=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_asin',
category ='CS1Galat errorsCS1: ASIN',
hidden = false },
bad_bibcode = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa $1 <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;bibcode=</code> $1',
anchor = 'bad_bibcode',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: bibcode',
hidden = false },
bad_biorxiv = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;biorxiv=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_biorxiv',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: bioRxiv',
hidden = false },
bad_citeseerx = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;citeseerx=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_citeseerx',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: citeseerx',
hidden = false },
bad_date = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa datenilai valuestanggal indi: <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">$1</code>',
anchor = 'bad_date',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: datestanggal',
hidden = falsetrue },
bad_doi = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;doi=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_doi',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: DOI',
hidden = false },
bad_hdl = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;hdl=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_hdl',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: HDL',
hidden = false },
bad_isbn = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai: $1 <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;isbn=</code> value: $1',
anchor = 'bad_isbn',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: ISBN',
hidden = false },
bad_ismn = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;ismn=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_ismn',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: ISMN',
hidden = false },
bad_issn = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1issn=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_issn',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: ISSN',
hidden = false },
bad_jfm = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;jfm=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_jfm',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: JFM',
hidden = false },
bad_lccn = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;lccn=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_lccn',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: LCCN',
hidden = false },
bad_usenet_id = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;message-id=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_message_id',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: message-id',
hidden = false },
bad_mr = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;mr=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_mr',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: MR',
hidden = false },
bad_ol = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;ol=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_ol',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: OL',
hidden = false },
bad_paramlink = { -- for |title-link=, |author/editor/translator-link=, |series-link=, |episode-link=
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_paramlink',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: parameterpranala linkparameter',
hidden = false },
bad_pmc = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;pmc=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_pmc',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: PMC',
hidden = false },
bad_pmid = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;pmid=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_pmid',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: PMID',
hidden = false },
bad_oclc = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;oclc=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_oclc',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: OCLC',
hidden = false },
bad_ssrn = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;ssrn=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_ssrn',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: SSRN',
hidden = false },
bad_url = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai $1 value',
anchor = 'bad_url',
category = 'PagesHalaman withdengan URLgalat errorsURL',
hidden = false },
bad_zbl = {
message = 'CheckPeriksa nilai <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;zbl=</code> value',
anchor = 'bad_zbl',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: ZBL',
hidden = false },
bare_url_missing_title = {
message = '$1 missingtidak titlememiliki judul',
anchor = 'bare_url_missing_title',
category = 'PagesHalaman withdengan citationsrujukan havingyang barememiliki URLsURL kosong',
hidden = false },
biorxiv_missing = {
message = 'Membutuhkan parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;biorxiv=</code> required',
anchor = 'biorxiv_missing',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: bioRxiv', -- same as bad bioRxiv
hidden = false },
chapter_ignored = {
message = 'Parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code> ignoredakan diabaikan',
anchor = 'chapter_ignored',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: chapterbab ignoreddiabaikan',
hidden = false },
citation_missing_title = {
message = 'MissingTidak ormemiliki emptyatau tanpa <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code>',
anchor = 'citation_missing_title',
category = 'PagesHalaman withdengan citationsrujukan lackingyang titlestidak memiliki judul',
hidden = false },
citeseerx_missing = {
message = 'Membutuhkan parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;citeseerx=</code> required',
anchor = 'citeseerx_missing',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: citeseerx', -- same as bad citeseerx
hidden = false },
cite_web_url = { -- this error applies to cite web and to cite podcast
message = 'MissingTidak ormemiliki emptyatau membutuhkan <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;url=</code>',
anchor = 'cite_web_url',
category = 'PagesHalaman usingyang webmenggunakan citationsrujukan withweb notanpa URL',
hidden = falsetrue },
class_ignored = {
message = '<code class="cs1-code">&#124;class=</code> ignored',
anchor = 'class_ignored',
category = 'CS1 errors: class',
hidden = false
contributor_ignored = {
message = 'Parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;contributor=</code> ignoredakan diabaikan</code>',
anchor = 'contributor_ignored',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: contributorkontributor',
hidden = falsetrue },
contributor_missing_required_param = {
message = 'Parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;contributor=</code> requiresmembutuhkan <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code>',
anchor = 'contributor_missing_required_param',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: contributorkontributor',
hidden = false },
deprecated_params = {
message = 'CiteRujukan usesyang deprecatedmenggunakan parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code> yang tidak digunakan lagi',
anchor = 'deprecated_params',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: deprecatedparameter yang tidak digunakan parameterslagi',
hidden = false },
empty_citation = {
message = 'EmptyRujukan citationkosong',
anchor = 'empty_citation',
category = 'PagesHalaman withdengan emptyrujukan citationsyang kosong',
hidden = false },
etal = {
message = 'Explicit use of et al. in: <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>',
anchor = 'explicit_et_al',
category = 'CS1 errors: Explicit use of et al.',
hidden = false
first_missing_last = {
message = 'Parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;first$12=</code> missingtanpa <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;last$2=</code>', -- di $1 is first alias', $2 is matching last alias
anchor = 'first_missing_last',
category = 'Galat CS1 errors: missingtidak name', --memiliki author,penulis contributor,atau editorpenyunting', interviewer, translator
hidden = falsetrue },
format_missing_url = {
message = 'Parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code> requiresmembutuhkan <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$2=</code>',
anchor = 'format_missing_url',
category = 'PagesHalaman usingyang citationsmenggunakan withrujukan dengan format anddan notanpa URL',
hidden = falsetrue },
invalid_param_val = {
message = 'InvalidParameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=$2</code> tidak valid',
anchor = 'invalid_param_val',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: invalidnilai parameter valuetidak valid',
hidden = false },
invisible_char = {
message = '$1 indi $2 atpada positionposisi $3',
anchor = 'invisible_char',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: invisiblekarakter tidak charactersterlihat',
hidden = false },
missing_name = {
message = 'MissingTidak memiliki parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1last$2=</code>', -- di $1 is modified NameList; $2 is enumerator',
anchor = 'missing_name',
category = 'Galat CS1 errors: missingtidak name', --memiliki author,penulis contributor,atau editorpenyunting', interviewer, translator
hidden = false },
missing_pipe = {
message = 'Missing pipe in: <code class="cs1-code">&#124;$1=</code>',
anchor = 'missing_pipe',
category = 'CS1 errors: Missing pipe',
hidden = false
param_access_requires_param = {
message = 'Parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1-access=</code> requiresmembutuhkan <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code>',
anchor = 'param_access_requires_param',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: param-access',
hidden = false },
param_has_ext_link = {
message = 'ExternalHapus linkpranala inluar di parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">$1</code>',
anchor = 'param_has_ext_link',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: externalpranala linksluar',
hidden = false },
parameter_ignored = {
message = 'Unknown parameterParameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code> ignoredyang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan',
anchor = 'parameter_ignored',
category = 'PagesHalaman withdengan citationsrujukan usingyang unsupportedmenggunakan parametersparameter yang tidak didukung',
hidden = falsetrue },
parameter_ignored_suggest = {
message = 'Unknown parameterParameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code> ignoredyang tidak diketahui mengabaikan (<code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$2=</code> suggestedyang disarankan)',
anchor = 'parameter_ignored_suggest',
category = 'PagesHalaman withdengan citationsrujukan usingyang unsupportedmenggunakan parametersparameter yang tidak didukung',
hidden = falsetrue },
redundant_parameters = {
message = 'MoreLebih thandari onesatu ofparameter $1 specifiedyang digunakan',
anchor = 'redundant_parameters',
category = 'PagesHalaman withdengan citationsrujukan havingyang redundantmemiliki parametersparameter duplikat',
hidden = falsetrue },
text_ignored = {
message = 'TextTeks "$1" ignoredakan diabaikan',
anchor = 'text_ignored',
category = 'PagesHalaman withdengan citationsrujukan usingyang unnamedmenggunakan parametersparameter tanpa nama',
hidden = false },
trans_missing_title = {
message = 'Parameter <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;trans-$1=</code> requiresmembutuhkan <code classstyle="cs1-code'..code_style..'">&#124;$1=</code>',
anchor = 'trans_missing_title',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: translatedjudul yang titlediterjemahkan',
hidden = false },
vancouver = {
message = 'VancouverGalat stylegaya errorVancouver: $1',
anchor = 'vancouver',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: Vancouvergaya styleVancouver',
hidden = false },
wikilink_in_url = {
message = 'URL–wikilinkKonflik conflictURL–wikilink', -- uses ndash
anchor = 'wikilink_in_url',
category = 'CS1Galat errorsCS1: URL–wikilinkkonflik conflictURL–wikilink', -- uses ndash
hidden = false },
Baris 1.065 ⟶ 905:
separator = ':',
access = 'free', -- free to read
['ASIN'] = {
parameters = { 'asin', 'ASIN' },
Baris 1.076 ⟶ 916:
separator = '&nbsp;',
encode = false;
['BIBCODE'] = {
parameters = {'bibcode'},
Baris 1.088 ⟶ 928:
separator = ':',
custom_access = 'bibcode-access',
['BIORXIV'] = {
parameters = {'biorxiv'},
Baris 1.100 ⟶ 940:
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
parameters = {'citeseerx'},
Baris 1.112 ⟶ 952:
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
['DOI'] = {
parameters = { 'doi', 'DOI' },
Baris 1.124 ⟶ 964:
encode = true,
custom_access = 'doi-access',
['EISSN'] = {
parameters = {'eissn', 'EISSN'},
Baris 1.135 ⟶ 975:
encode = false,
separator = '&nbsp;',
['HDL'] = {
parameters = { 'hdl', 'HDL' },
Baris 1.147 ⟶ 987:
encode = true,
custom_access = 'hdl-access',
['ISBN'] = {
parameters = {'isbn', 'ISBN', 'isbn13', 'ISBN13'},
Baris 1.157 ⟶ 997:
COinS = 'rft.isbn',
separator = '&nbsp;',
['ISMN'] = {
parameters = {'ismn', 'ISMN'},
Baris 1.167 ⟶ 1.007:
COinS = 'nil', -- nil because we can't use pre or rft or info:
separator = '&nbsp;',
['ISSN'] = {
parameters = {'issn', 'ISSN'},
Baris 1.178 ⟶ 1.018:
encode = false,
separator = '&nbsp;',
['JFM'] = {
parameters = {'jfm', 'JFM'},
Baris 1.189 ⟶ 1.029:
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
['JSTOR'] = {
parameters = {'jstor', 'JSTOR'},
Baris 1.201 ⟶ 1.041:
separator = '&nbsp;',
custom_access = 'jstor-access',
['LCCN'] = {
parameters = {'LCCN', 'lccn'},
Baris 1.212 ⟶ 1.052:
encode = false,
separator = '&nbsp;',
['MR'] = {
parameters = {'MR', 'mr'},
Baris 1.223 ⟶ 1.063:
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
['OCLC'] = {
parameters = {'OCLC', 'oclc'},
Baris 1.234 ⟶ 1.074:
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
['OL'] = {
parameters = { 'ol', 'OL' },
Baris 1.246 ⟶ 1.086:
encode = true,
custom_access = 'ol-access',
['OSTI'] = {
parameters = {'OSTI', 'osti'},
Baris 1.253 ⟶ 1.093:
label = 'OSTI',
mode = 'external',
prefix = '//', -- protocol relative tested 20182013-09-1204
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
custom_access = 'osti-access',
['PMC'] = {
parameters = {'PMC', 'pmc'},
Baris 1.271 ⟶ 1.111:
separator = '&nbsp;',
access = 'free', -- free to read
['PMID'] = {
parameters = {'PMID', 'pmid'},
Baris 1.282 ⟶ 1.122:
encode = false,
separator = '&nbsp;',
['RFC'] = {
parameters = {'RFC', 'rfc'},
Baris 1.294 ⟶ 1.134:
separator = '&nbsp;',
access = 'free', -- free to read
['SSRN'] = {
parameters = {'SSRN', 'ssrn'},
Baris 1.306 ⟶ 1.146:
separator = '&nbsp;',
access = 'free', -- always free to read
['USENETID'] = {
parameters = {'message-id'},
Baris 1.317 ⟶ 1.157:
COinS = 'pre', -- use prefix value
separator = '&nbsp;',
['ZBL'] = {
parameters = {'ZBL', 'zbl'},
Baris 1.328 ⟶ 1.168:
encode = true,
separator = '&nbsp;',
--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D T A B L E S >------------------------------------------------
return {
Baris 1.341 ⟶ 1.178:
date_names = date_names,
error_conditions = error_conditions,
editor_markup_patterns = editor_markup_patterns,
et_al_patterns = et_al_patterns,
global_df = global_df,
id_handlers = id_handlers,
keywords = keywords,